Learn & Lead: Healthy Relationships
The teen years are an important time in life to learn to develop healthy relationships with people and things. Teens have unique perceptions and challenges in this area and learning to identify the red flags of unhealthy relationships sets them on a path for healthy relationships in adulthood. Check out the projects our SLS students are bringing to their peers to help them build their relationship skills. What skills will help you thrive and what will hold you back?
Healthy Relationships Training
Healthy relationships are essential for a healthy life. You have relationships with people, food, technology and more. This training will teach you the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships. You will leave prepared to help your peers recognize the warning signs of unhealthy relationships.
Eric & Jocelyn - Freeland High School
Gia Cook - Taylor High School
Plymouth High School
T-shirt, Atherton High School

Atherton High School
Poster, Emma Russo, Warren Mott H.S.

Alexandria McClain, Carrollton High School

Resources to support the formation of positive, healthy relationships and stop teen dating violence before it starts.
Visit Youth.govLove is Respect
This project from the National Domestic Violence Hotline has resources that engage, educate and empower teens to prevent and end abusive relationships.
Love is Respect
Visit LoveisrespectPlanned Parenthood
Look here to find resources that identify the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Planned Parenthood
Visit PPMinnesota Department of Health (MDH)
Here you will find a wide range of resources to support building healthy relationships.